Stress is a pesky part of life! It is not lost on… well, anyone, that stress is inevitable, and that it can feel impossible to manage. There are a lot of factors when it comes to handling stress. 

At the end of the day, stress can come from anything. Friends, family, work or really any area in life. That can make it so tricky to handle and manage. 

If stress isn’t managed there can be serious effects on your health. Long-term or chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, weight gain and even problems with memory. 

Even socially, stress can affect how you move about the world and how you communicate with your friends and family. 


So, how do you manage stress? 

Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a powerful exercise. Even if you just wake up in the morning, sit outside while you drink your coffee and journal- it will help. But, practices like deep breathing or meditation can really help you get in touch with yourself and help manage the stress in your life. 

Take a Break: there is NO shame in taking a break. Go for a walk, take an exercise class, read a book or spend 30 minutes watching a re-run of your favorite sitcom. Whatever it is that helps you unwind, do it. Do something with the whole purpose of bringing you joy. Here is a great article about the benefits of taking breaks and the right kinds of breaks to take. 

Physical Activity/ Movement: How many times have you heard this one? The thing is… it is true. Exercise or activity really helps with managing stress. Number 1- if you feel good physically, it helps your mentality. Number 2- endorphins make you happy! When you work out, your body makes more endorphins. Endorphins are known as the “feel-good neurotransmitters.” These are the little guys that give you a “runner’s high” after an aerobic workout. 

Nutrition: We know, we know. Another one that you probably hear all of the time. But, again, it is true. Similarly to physical activity- when you feel good, physically, it helps ease stress. Stress produces the hormone cortisol. When you are stressed your body releases more cortisol into your bloodstream. The proper nutrition can help with regulating cortisol levels, which helps manage the effects of stress. 

Lean on your Support System: When in doubt, lean on the people you keep in your circle. Sometimes getting it out of your head and into the world, is enough to ease the stress of a situation. And, sometimes you end up getting comfort from someone who has been through something similar. 

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It is time to officially retire the phrase “anti-aging.” 


We have all been hit with stress before, and we all know that managing stress while trying to...